blowfly bonanza

insects buzzing on the corpse of god a cacophony of semi-intelligent bottom feeders pretending to deserve a seat at the feast abdomens swollen on defiled divinity deified by deicide still the undecided deride in dimwitted denials and defiance a dire devolution in dreary disinterest

unsettling strikes

no matter how i rinse out my mouth the bitter taste of betrayal seems infused in my saliva so i spit despicable curses into the aether the angry fool pensively hunched on a throne of yellowed bone lost in a loop looking for hints which should have warned me the sky flashes with wicked strikes […]

foggy serenades

the sparrows call out from the heavy fog a miasma choking the morning sun yet each note carries the faint sound of hope echoing through the hanging mist i saw you again last night while roaming the alleys in the back of my mind i didn’t approach even though i so desperately wished to be […]

poison pen

i glow not from some inner beauty but pitted bones laced with radiation a human elephant foot making everything within kilometers an irradiated wasteland where dream goes to die these letters gleam menacingly in the darkness odes to roughly two hundred and thirty eight yous leaves a fool in a half life of isotopic decay

unlikely phantoms

i have lost track of who it is i was supposed to be and i dislike the person everyone seems to see instead a literal litany in unlearned lessons leaving lesions leaking a loveless pus a stain vaguely human in low light the loneliness in needing to be left alone because i can’t let anyone […]

papercuts and calenders

uncertain if i am walking on my hands or if my head is upside down once again unsure if the rotation of the earth keeps reversing or if the drugs are catching up to me days without any real sleep navigating torrentially theoretical storm clouds in my dogged pursuit of dreamdander diabolical delusions performing daily […]

fingerpainting for amateurs

life is just a set of schismatic watercolors pastel flurries in chalkdust disharmony a fractured indecent descent into senseless dissent i make it a hobby to scribble outside the lines a semicoherent collection of childhood drawings gone yellowed on the fridge scribbles in the margins doodles in place of any real answers i dream of […]


i am a bolt of lightning the scent of ozone crackles around me as i move at the speed of thought my synapses fire constantly leaving a fool sizzling as the thunderstorms roll in drawn by mania the sky thrums with potential as i spasm in full denial


she sits a plump spider emotionless pretending to be human going through the motions while slowly stitching silken strands to ensnare foolish wanderers she strikes swollen abdomen garish grin spindly legs dripping venom from gnarled fangs injecting lies savoring the final spasms as friend becomes victim a wretched cunt with her chained pet hopping pretending […]

mondays, am i right?

there is an old saying too many chefs in the kitchen for a discombobulation of well meaning inefficient assholes ruining the already tenuous plans hastily enacted due to being reactionary rather than proactive it’s human nature to fuck up best intentions by trying to be helpful when being quiet and letting the supposed experts do […]

arrivederci avocado dream

a sudden cold front leaves the sparrows in state of confusion an arctic intrusion erases tropical delusion until a fool sits alone beset by illusion my soul howls through the wind chimes a cacophony performed in d spair sharp enough to carve furrows flat enough to smother hope happiness has the same shelf life as […]


i long to be able to forget the ones who so easily abandoned me yet still i awaken with her name upon my lips an aching in my chest it is storming i am sick dreading a nap and the dreams which forever haunt me

a vacancy above

either it is preparing for a mighty storm or god is drunkenly moving furniture between the two we probably need any rain we can get and i am pretty sure god skipped out on the lease millennia ago a day of storms as thunder reverberates across the sleeping city i hold yet another one way […]

destination nowhere

i feel as if i need to become more malleable the constant stretching in random directions from all these sources seeking something from me i cannot define has me unraveling at a molecular level i yearn to rearrange the stunted strands in double helix despair into something vaguely more human than this homonculus concubine in […]

irreverence in irregularities

my heart isn’t a home it’s a derelict shack built on a fault line through no fault of mine this faulty mind shudders and quakes a fluidity in disregarding figurative physics because no one can explain to me how bumblebees fly the dichotomy in the loneliness of pushing people away for their own good i […]

reflective surfaces

i cannot stand the sight of the idiot staring at me from the mirror a goddamned fool with no self control incapable of seeing what an ass he is i am embarrassed by his actions when all he does is whatever the faulty chemicals whisper slipsliding to and fro a broken child to an significant […]

trapped in solitude

after the long weekend i find myself even more confused as to who it is i truly am fallingfarther into despair as pieces of myself crumble to dust it is incomprehensible i am anything more than a stain

kudzu and wisteria

a consistency in gray malaise draped across the mountains a scrawl of vines choking the green corpse hair clustered leaving lavender in stark contrast a dissociative alien landscape where the rains fall over tired travelers braving a cross country trek from texas to coastal virginia kudzu and wisteria as hawks circle over rolling hills congested […]


six days which swirled into one eighteen hundred miles traveled to spend the weekend surrounded by art a frantic blur smileshugslaughtertears a constant overload of culmination newfacesnewfriends old acquantices amid a sea of excitement phonefreenoscreens to filter through the bombardment now a fool sits alone once more rememberingexistence hoping the store of fresh hugs keeps […]


a crimson penumbra ebbing ominously a lurking malaise slowly overwhelming a fractured fool floating through a room of writers

f word

i don’t make friends i make family there is no in between with someone who is bipolar borderline and too obtuse the danger lays in not understanding when i am merely a tool when i thought we were family this is why the circle remains quite minuscule despite my wandering heart

Cremated Remains is live

Today’s the day. Cremated Remains is available in paperback and ebook. Ten tales from the bipolar bard. The feedback has been outstanding so far, which is always a happy event. Headed to Virginia this afternoon for Scares That Care. Anxiety and existential dread are flavors of the day. Looking forward to seeing friends and possibly […]

putting the con in convention

big convention in virginia over the weekend got a bag full of psychedelics no sense of self and an entire event to dissociate from the idea of seeing my friends is counterbalanced by the constantcommerce so i will flit among the shadows smiling and pretending i know who anyone is an indistinct blur with unfocused […]


i have discovered some people are miserable no good rottenfetidsacksofshit i have also learned to trust my instincts some people only find joy in making others miserable what sad little nincompoops they truly are in the end all they have is the nothingness they cultivated because once exposed nothing is all they ever were

lessons ignored

i never know to regret not getting to know someone but i find myself regretting letting some of these serpents in human disguise know me this is a lesson i need to take to fucking heart


i haven’t read your work but i hear good things thank you i get that all the time as if there is success by best intent just empty words to make the madman feel better because he refuses to pander or beg


i know why the trapped fly wriggles despite the inherent hopelessness the multifaceted gaze of the indifferent predator feeling the signal thread tremble hypnotically i also understand why a fly would decide to never fly again

blurry lines

the sparrow hutch which was formerly occupied by my stuttering brain is a chaotic swirl where everything moves just too fast to be deciphered so i scribble alone in boand parking lot where the thoughts can seek seeds in the verdant growth over dour gray disinterest

and that’s okay

the part of writingwhich appeals mostis after i have longturned to dustthe words live onunsullied by a fooli can be forgottenas anything but scarson the face of beautypockmarks on the whoremouth of creativity i was never really herein the first placean accumulation of scarsdraped over a longing forthings i was never meantto truly experience myself

manifest distesstiny

too much attention increasing the tension in bipolar retention a penchant for remorseful fugues battered by a barrage internally manifested yet no less damaging nor self sufficient manifest destiny in inner distress leaving cracks racing across borderline misnomers


i am sorry i didn’t live up to the lofty expectations i wasn’t aware i was held to being honest did me no favors playing along only encourages erratic behavior in return you heard exactly what you wished despite the actual words which were succinctly spoken i could never let anyone else down with the […]