a perfect day for a funeral procession

overcast with a hint of dismal the mist forms refracting headlights little diamonds overlaid between a sleepy fool and the dour gray effusion draped heavily over disinterested concrete spires the trees strung with white lights nearly inseparable from the clinging condensation unworthy of sending the wipers screeching over concaved glass wicker reindeer in sodden repose […]

just out of grasp

the evening settled over my mania a weighted belt making thought into a full body workout i dont see the next scene in the latest story so the ending remains tantalizingly aloof just past this nebulous bridge nothing satisfies the loneliness an aspect of the night another uptight blight a heavy bass plods with my […]

ribcage of clouds

the truth hovered in a ribcage of clouds just out of reach but not acceptance across azure plains as i tick the seconds lost in changing leaves of an indifferent season my heart’s wilted serenade to the sun’s iron pyrite haze of sparkling delusions a chattering cacophony keeping me awake as the winding road leads […]

chaotic pockets

the traffic is light mere chaotic pockets before open lanes from here to eternity i don’t want to follow the highlighted map towards the college where a week long install is all which awaits me i would rather keep on heading north until the great crumbling ice shelf is all i see far from light […]

comets are unilaterally aloof

in such a hurry to enjoy the scant moments of peace we miss the reasons this brief excursion into existence is filled to the brim with pure fucking magic perhaps it takes a liberal dash of madness to accentuate the lines showcasing new angles in a different light to illuminate the beauty etched intrinsically into […]

black friday

so many angry looking faces above festive holiday sweaters a dichotomy in schismatic humanity as they fight for marked down deals in crowded aisles when everyone just wants to be home i roam the store an infrequent traveler bedazzled by shiny objects with zero apparent uses that scream to be purchased being on the wrong […]

exit ahead

i never felt as alive as when i am closest to dying maybe this is why i give myself to those ladies with flat eyes adders coiled in the shape of a heart and all i want is that venom coursing through my failing form tapdancing though minefields without a care in the world yet […]

frustrated screams echo in the valley of the abandoned

lately there has been an air of frustration hovering over me be8ng pulled in different directions as i seek balance in my constantly shifting brain the job demands more and more everything costs more and more yet the pay remains mostly unchanged i chase after these nebulous words trying to leave a legacy while slowly […]


i was raised to under promise and over deliver which seems to have become an antiquated way of accomplishing a life’s work also doesn’t help when i promise every bit of myself to those who never deliver at all i never expect the scales to be perfectly balanced but a little fucking effort on occasion […]


the thrill of the holidays choosing electricty or a big meal there is something fundamentally flawed with the world right now

bury me in the lost penumbra of joy

a short week made twice as long by anxiety the metroplex remains suspectly silent a midweek holiday leaving the roads half empty as i wander aimless hoping to kill off three days without doing any actual work a dull malaise throbs inheriting apathy from dismissive clouds in a dirge of aeroplanes left in holding patterns […]

yet they refuse

sunlight through inclement clouds leave a pearlescent miasma drifting through the dusty sliding glass doors a silvery slivered sun silently lurking in a jealous nimbus just above possible storms in accumulated curious cumuli culling golden notes of love to dissipate into motes clinging to the obscured panes keeping my words away from her mercurial heart […]

gaslighting for beginners (or is it?)

despite my best attempts at collecting the random sparrow feathers and ear wax to form a perfect escape i keep getting distracted by shiny bits only to barter away my precious stash of waxen wings for pieces of someone else’s dream now all i have is a collection of unmatched doos with zero dads in […]


each new verse only seems to exaggerate the unseemly shades of madness which color the world where i wake up with your name honey on my tongue only to feel you fade away in the jealous rays of the sun who could never match your effervescent and easy perfection each new verse illuminates aches no […]

thirty three distractions

concussive crashes in metallic clangs mar a morose morning spent online training i seek any sort of distraction from this moribund malaise where i half assedly pretend to pay attention clicking next overandoverandover until a quiz challenges what has been skimmed as i contemplate how often the phrase those who do not learn from history […]

beggar’s dreaming

the sky is the color of lavender cotton candy with occasional arcs of lightning i imagine my brain lights up much the same one of those globes where the electricity follows your hands though i can’t recall the last time anyone ran their fingers across my freshly shaven scalp but i reckon it applies even […]

baking lessons for the elderly

for the longesttime i just sort ofassumed, what withall the ideations,i would followthe plath schoolof baking lessonsfor the miserably inclinedyet somehow i havesettled into thisbukowski periodof crotchety rage despite daydreamingof drowning in the sheerblank expanse, thefucking embers burnin a panorama ofsinful delights uponwhich i still yearnto gorge myself happilyif only i could find a wayto […]


my brain is at war with everything especially taking aim at myself and i am tired from staying alert for potential ambush unable to relax as shrapnel flies all around me an addiction to chasing passions leaves a blindspot to reality where up and down become interchangeable insanities and the sirens roar in perpetual battle […]

lost and unfounded

i have come to personify tangential as my erratic manic energy steers me down rabbit holes and i forget exactly what it was i was at times it looks like summer yet winter nips or i grab a jacket to walk into an inferno the sparrows are rambunctious trilling along with the mad king as […]

frizzle fried

the mania is relentless bringing storms in flickering anxieties which paralyze my nervous system an electrical surge of ideas yet if i try to scribble them my heart becomes grounded channeling the raw voltage in soulightning to fuse the grains of dreamdander into glass spires slashing the sky until it rains mercurial blood from the […]


my heart thumps leaving love letters in the silt far beneath the rays where gold illuminates the cracks running listless in lost splendor lamenting cohesiveness lost in kelp beds grown to mimic the shape of hearts my heart thumps in a strangled silence whispering odes to you

saline seas (a calm storm thrashing)

the coffee is bitter today or perhaps the daydreaming has soured my sweet receptors with a casual film of actuality either way caffeinated despair is the flavor as long as her lips refuse to find mine despite my fervent pleas silence grips me in all the ways i wish to feel her pressed next to […]


the electric gray spun into unburnished steel before settling into an opaque white the same shade as the cataract over divinity’s dead glare an infusion of silver a concussion of confusion clenched jaw headaches muscle soreness from being past tense in a forward facing future of flailing failings chasing highs to distort the disruptive nature […]

clanging bells

i do not process pain or trauma i refine it into gemstones which i slip into the brass bells affixed to my jester’s hat before drunkenly stumbling just ahead of one queen’s loyal royal headsman before tumbling into the next court where a rogue can touch her majesty’s forbidden treasures until overstaying his welcome once […]


a flagrant case of ho hum delirium leaves a sediment in concrete sentiment sealing my mouth shut what does a man with nothing to his name nolovenohopenodream except for words do when even they have discarded him apparently dissociate explore the ruins within process what is real while reducing the screaming to consistent white noise […]

prize pig

sticks and stones have nothing on the words left unspoken in terms of sheer breaking power it’s nothing just an inability to find the will to move on when moving on means exchanging one ache for an inevitable sequel in a thousand paper cuts which accumulate as i realize honesty isn’t always the best working […]

meteorology for fools

summer in texas is a good relationship which eventually sours and then fades to scars as youre enjoying an autumn day filled with cool breezes the crackling leaves in a myriad of hues only for summer’s envy reinserting herself in near nuclear rays yesterday she decided to stomp off once more thinking no one noticed […]

doomcycling for fun and profit

i have spent my life chasing down electro-mechanical issues because fixing things solving problems feels awfully nice compared to the hell of cascading catastrophes irreparably inoperable a human malignancy in electrical fits desperate to be held grounded when the arcs dance in ghostfire reveries chasing phantoms with hearts in the shape of home machines have […]

it is most likely wednesday

not even ms plath can refocus the errant swinging in my pendulous heartshatter scattering my poetic across an unending ocean of whitecaps shaped like her mischievous smirk the rebound proved every bit as disastrous as the rational aspect kept screaming into the ever oscillating limerance choosing self destruction over accepting those wildflowers never truly blossomed […]

carson and 183

the wind screams as i sit watching the highway hollow and untethered waiting to blow away dreamdander soliloquies drifting in rancid repose a hazy distortion of filth in the flaccid mourning marring scenic sunrises in a petulant discombobulation uncertain of up from down slowly sullenly spinning in an indecent descent into mercurial madnesses as mechanical […]

monday malaise

my subconcsious has me self conscious about the underlying currents in my skewed pseudo-consciousness leaving me uncertain unable to trust myself as dreamwhispers turn to derisive snarls and this hunger burns for that which i cannot be allowed a confusion in spectral wildflowers blooming across the fertile fields of madness in my brain the disharmonic […]

indigo in inverse

i spent the entirety of the weekend actually existing the howling wolves of loneliness held at bay as the early sunset painted indigo mountains hanging sharply inverted in the last brave diffusion of burnt umbra clawing desperately at the dying weekend i feel the discharge the jacob’s ladder fizzling out before reaching the top a […]


i feel like a thousand razored edges balanced upon a monomolecular tightrope wobbling over a void of self reflection an uncomfortable clarity in causation in candid curses cratering my cantankerous satellite heart

unsent missives

the birds scream a disjointed symphony for the glaring sun in her radiant petulance reasserting dominion over frosted blooms the streets lined with faded petals in brittle dismay a flurry of maroon transitioning into lusterless brown stinging grit reminders of summer’s disdain i sit in the darkness a net of nettles strapped to my hollow […]

chilled desire

the chill wrapped itself like a lover around me as i held the surrogate pillow tight to my chest a poor replacement for my hand cupping her breast as i sleepily murmur my love longing to feel her nestle closer content to ignore winter knocking if it means fifteen more minutes with her in dream

Blobert Returns on Chilling Tales

My story in Bradonomicon 2, Blobert Returns, was brought to life by the brilliant folks at Chilling Tales For Dark Nights. If the original was Fear and Loathing in a trailer park, Blobert Returns takes the b movie vibe and doubles down with giant Ain’ts in Xenia. Give it a listen and then grab your […]

she is the sunrise over my hoarfrost heart

one sparrow sat on the porch as i stumbled half awake to make coffee i stood smiling as it trilled a tune and repaid it by spilling out a poem to you it flies frantic spreading the words manifesting a hint of your beauty to the sleeping city