self performed hypothalamus removal for novices

in a long
period of
lucidity where
an obsessional
period diving
deeply into a
jungle of
jungian lunacy
leaves me with
a deeper grasp
most modern
psychology seems
to be as baseless
as astrology
replacing dead
celestial forms
with a redundancy
of blame shifting

the unequivocal
truth being no two
beings see anything
exactly the same
yet we rely on the
coked up fantasies
of morally bankrupt
snakeoil salesmen
praying on chemical
deficiencies and
cashing pharmaceutical
checks unconcerned
the side effects
are worse than the
symptoms they mask

still, i would happily
ingest a poison if
it turned off
the idiotic part
in control of love
electroshock me
until there are
new neural pathways
scrape away each
ineffectual branch
of my limbic disarray
so my poor heart
can stop taking all
the blame when it’s
only an idiotic canary
trapped in an ivory cage

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