you must be dizzy watching me spiral constantly

is my power saving
mode after another
night trapped inside
a waking nightmare
factory inducing
exquisite insanities
a simple disconnect
as september crashes
into october in a
haze of dreamembers
turning to ash in
little craters all
around my satellite
heart while it churns
out aching odes to
the ladies who knew
after a simple taste
i was assuredly no
more than a foolish
investment only
guaranteed to be
repaid in a plethora
of insipid agonies

as reality fades to
dissociative sandstorms
i know they are right
and the true madness
rampaging in my mind
painting from the penumbra
of panicked putrefactions
a remora reduced to
picking through the
rancid remains rejected
by the predators swimming
in the growingblindspot
consuming the beauty
i only glimpsed in
the echo of the dreams
always just out of touch

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