
she smiled sweetly
holding the sponge to
my forehead as the cool
water dripped down
my face before the metal
ring was placed gently
upon my brow and she
blew a kiss as she
flipped the switch
sending the currents
similar to those which
always sought to drown
a lonely fool instead
flash frying motes of
my shattered into a
stained glass refrain
illuminating the pain
ingrained in love’s disdain

it began with a lethal
injection as she whispered
lies about a future she
knew my sentence would
never allow us to share
she slammed the cell door
leaving me to a solitary
confinement in uncertainty
until she found a new rube
who would believe her lies
freeing her from this hell
as assuredly as the fool
sits patiently waiting
scratching lines into
the brick walls to mark
the passage of hope’s demise

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