meteorology for fools

summer in texas
is a good relationship
which eventually sours
and then fades to scars
as youre enjoying
an autumn day filled
with cool breezes
the crackling leaves
in a myriad of hues
only for summer’s envy
reinserting herself
in near nuclear rays

yesterday she decided
to stomp off once more
thinking no one noticed
how she didn’t fully
pull the door closed after
as the sparrows trill
in the overcast morning
of a second ensuing chill
a sleepy fool pours
another coffee and waits

autumn in texas is like
taking your new lady out
and your ex is somehow
always sitting at the bar
summer is one more drink
from another sloppy attempt
at reconciliation even
though everyone knows
it is past time to move on
so you sit nervously with
half your attention cast
upon the hazy gray hovering
just waiting for another spell
spent sweating in november

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