frizzle fried

the mania is
bringing storms
in flickering
anxieties which
paralyze my
nervous system
an electrical
surge of ideas
yet if i try
to scribble them
my heart becomes
grounded channeling
the raw voltage
in soulightning
to fuse the grains
of dreamdander
into glass spires
slashing the sky
until it rains
mercurial blood
from the open wrist
of god laying in
a tepid tub alone

she used to tie
cherry stems into
neat little bows
using only her tongue
it worked on me as well
now i suck on cherry pits
to taste the cyanide
with the same numbing
feel as kissing her lips
it was poison either way
and as sure as we were
just mites thriving
on the corpse of god
her smile pierced me
a lightning rod pulling
an insanity of mania
flashfrying her dismissal
in lichtenstein patterns
all across my talented tongue
making it impossible to
write in midst of spasming

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