frightmare weekend

the smiling faces
covered in paint and gore
happily milling about
amongst monsters
and famous killers
while a fool roams
in a haze of psilocybin
even less certain of
what is real around him

a family of hillbillies
in skin masks singing
country roads with an
accordian and a crowd
in front of three corpses
sitting on a front porch
was the least jarring
event in a hurricane of
insanity spilling out
as movie stars sit bored
only smiling when the
transacation is approved

i signed each book
like a highschool yearbook
telling each new reader
to stay cool and have
a great summer which
never failed to make me
laugh even as i scribbled
loops and lines which
supposedly represent me
on dead trees tattooed
with scenes i imagined

the surreal nature
where someone pays money
to be infected with
someone else’s madness
isn’t missed by a poet
lost in a sea of killers

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